The breast is...well, you
Israelis I guess by nature are very brazen, outgoing people. They are not shy about doing certain things, that too Americans might be kind of odd. One of the things (which may immediately turn off my male readers) is breast-feeding. In the States there is always a battle going on about where and when the proper place and time to breast-feed is. Some say women should go to a bathroom or a corner to feed, others say women should be able to do it wherever they want. Here in Israel, just walking down the street you see women walking and breast-feeding at the same time. Just as popular as Crocs and video games are, you can walk into any store and find this sling-like papoose that every lady has, holding the kid up, walking, and drinking an ice latte at the same time. As I write, a lady is eating a salad and breast feeding at the same time. Honestly, it's difficult for me as is to walk and chew gum at the same time. I guess something can be said for hand/eye coordination.
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