Sordid Sipurei (Stories)
As an opening activity to today's class, Moreh (male teacher) had us do a pass-around story. Each of us would have a sheet of paper with a topic on top, and as it was being passed around, we were to add a sentence to the story. Here it is:
Oren betzayva hoshev al Rut (Oren thinks of Ruth).
V'Rut rotzah leerot et Oren (And Ruth likes to look at Oren).
Kee hee ohevet et Oren (Because she likes Oren).
Aval Oren lo rotzeh leerot et Rut (But Oren does not like to look at Ruth).
Kee hoo ohev et Sara (Because he likes Sara).
Aval Rut yafah meod (But Ruth is very pretty). Rut Ohevet et Oren v'hem rotzim lehitchatnim (Ruth likes Oren and wants them to get married).
The topic we were to write about: Oren lives in Tel Aviv and Ruth lives in Jerusalem.
The second story:
Oren roeh harbeh penguinim (Oren sees lots of penguins). Hoo shoteh harbeh vodka (He drinks a lot of vodka). Hee shotah meetz tapuzim (She drinks orange juice).
The topic we were to write about: Oren and Ruth travel to the desert.
Obviously, Oren had vodka laced with ecstasy and Ruth juice.
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