Long time, no post.
After a bit of a lapse between posts, well, here's a new one. A few things (other than the bitch that is Ulpan) that have happened in the past week or so:
1) Gad...I hope he chokes on a croissant (see photos which will be posted on my Flickr page tomorrow).
2) Rosh Hashanah: Spent time with the lovely Shnaiders. Very good eats. Even better honey cake.
3) On the bus on the way back to Jerusalem yesterday evening, a soldier fell asleep on my shoulder and proceeded to drool. Not only was he very embarassed, he apologized profusely.
4) I've got a bruise about the size of an orange on the back of my knee (picture posted tomorrow). How did I get it? No idea.
And that's about all.
The flowers are magnificent. The bruise is unbelievable. And fuck French guys named Gad (courtesy of your greatest fan.)
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