Officially the saddest movie I have ever seen...ever.

Now I know there are some Andrew Lloyd Webber fans out there who feel that his work is the work of genius. Whatever. Out of sheer boredom from reading chapter two of Henry Kissinger's "Diplomacy" I turned the TV on to HBO. Lo and behold, Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera was on. Not terrible. But really sad! I was unfamiliar with the storyline before watching. Emmy Rossum and Patrick Wilson have amazing voices, but why did they pick someone like Gerard Butler for the Phantom. Don't get me wrong. He's an incredibly powerful and passionate actor and has a body like Zeus (I would not mind laying a platter of Hostess Twinkies at his feet, ifyaknowwhatImean....). But not the greatest voice. Oh well. It at least gives me an excuse to put up a pic of him.
Oh alright! One more....

****And I am not embarassed to say that I actually enjoyed Timeline and Tomb Raider 2.
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