I carry a big stick, and so does he!
So Thursday, December 29, was a pretty damn cool day. I met Roberto Luongo, #1, goalie for the Florida Panthers. First off, for a guy that makes $3 million this season and is currently in arbitration, he is a pretty nice dude. Secondly, one has got to have a sense of humor if they are signing autographs at a local Italian meat market (literally signing in front of the prosciutto). So here's how it went:
Shayna walks up to Louie at the table
Shayna: Hey dude! How's it going? Shayna hands over jersey Sign wherever you'd like.
Louie: Let's sign the shoulder. Proceeds to sign shoulder

Shayna is shaking in nervousness and proceeds to crouch down next to Louie.
Shayna: So Louie, can you give me any advice? I've just joined a women's league in Orlando.
Louie: What kind of advice? Like skating? Blocking?
Shayna: I don't know! On skating, life; whatever!
Louie: Alright, remember low blockers.
Shayna makes a mental note: low blockers (what the f**k is a low blocker?) Shayna makes another mental note to ask Uncle Stu
Shayna: trying to be sarcastic and coax a smile from such a handsome face Well, I've heard that as I am shooting towards the goal I should focus on the holes, rather than at the goalie blocking the goal. Is that right?
Louie laughs and nods
Louie: Exactly!

Shayna: Thank you so much; I really appreciate the advice!
Louie: You too! Thanks again.
Shayna walks away having just seen and talked to a living god
So yeah, and for a goalie, the guy was pretty damn handsome in person. You'd think a guy who gets pucks shot at his face during most of his free and taken time, would have less teeth. I was pleasantly surprised. Anyways, Panthers won this evening's game against the Montreal Canadiens (thanks to Louie and my lucky jersey)! Round of applause for specialty meats and cannolis!
***Pics are not so fabulous. I'm attempting to clean up a close up of the "talking like we're buddies pic.
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