"Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten." Welcome to my new and improved blog journaling my trip to Jerusalem for graduate school. Enjoy and read on!

Monday, May 02, 2005

Sunday, Sunday.

What a schlep today has been. I had to go to three bookstores in the Pines area to find a stupid GRE prep book. $17. Man, grad school is a bitch. But in my quest to find this book, I found another book called "Sarah" by Marek Halter. I started reading it; it seems to be in the tradition of "The Red Tent." So far, it's not bad. I kinda find it weird, though, reading a book that at the beginning deals with pagan menstrual rites, written by a man. Anita Diamant did it well in "The Red Tent," but then again she is a female. Good sex scenes, though. Not that that is a rule for any of the books I buy (I mean, the GRE book sure as hell doesn't have sex scenes, or at least I don't think it does...).

I started working on the Fulbright stuff yesterday. I began with the curriculum vitae essay, which really isn't even a curriculum vitae. It's more like a narrative of your family history and background. According to Dr. Stockdale, the Fulbright people get pissy if they find the tiniest mistakes. That means this thing will be proofread by about 20 people before it is even submitted.


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